Minnesota Housing established the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) rental assistance program to provide affordable housing opportunities to prevent and end homelessness for low-income persons and families.

Housing Trust Fund rental assistance is intended to be temporary in nature and to provide assistance to an individual household. Eligible participants will pay approximately 30% of their income towards their rent.

Eligible participants must meet the definition of high priority homeless and are referred to the HRA through the Rivers Valleys Continuum of Care (CoC) Coordinated Entry System (CES).

Eligible household's income must not exceed maximum household income limits for the services area. Households must choose a rental unit that meets HUD Housing Quality Standards. Households will transition to the Housing choice Voucher Program if/when eligible.


HCV Family Self-Sufficiency
The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program is a work incentive program for participants receiving Section 8 HCV rental assistance. The FSS program coordinator will work with the head of the household to establish a five-year plan that includes employment, education, and training goals. 


Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
The purpose of the Section 8 HCV program is to provide rental assistance to eligible low income individuals and families according to HUD rules and regulations. The Section 8 HCV programs lessens the burden on the family’s budget for housing costs and allows greater choice in selecting a rental unit.