Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Section 8 waiting list is CLOSED!

    Applications must be submitted
    online only at:

    Anyone may apply to the waitlist.
    Please note that you must be 18 or older to apply.

    Waitlist Preferences
    All applicants who qualify for a preference will be placed before applicants on the waiting list who do not qualify for a preference.

    To qualify for a preference, you must LIVE, WORK, or be enrolled in HIGHER EDUCATION in Martin, Nicollet, Sibley, Watonwan, and Waseca Counties.

SCMMCHRA has open window days/times when staff are available to meet via entry window.

    Staff are only available in person during these times.

    If window hours are CLOSED, PLEASE CALL 507-345-1977 ex. 1 to make an appointment, speak with staff, and/or leave a voicemail and staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

    If applicants and/or participants need an oral interpreter, they need to call our office directly at 507-345-1977 ext 1, so arrangements can be made.

    Thank you, The SCMMCHRA team

Monday: 1:00-4:00 PM
Tuesday 1:00-4:00PM
Wednesday 1:00-4:00PM
Thursday 1:00-4:00 PM
Friday 10:00AM-12:00PM

The South Central MN Multi-County HRA office will conduct business via telephone, fax, email, and U.S. mail. Due to limited staff availability, in person meetings are held during office window hours (hours listed above) or by appointment ONLY.

Applicants and participants may pick up CHANGE FORMS and drop off paperwork in the DROP BOX in the office entryway during regular business hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00AM-4:30PM and Fridays 8:00AM-12PM


The mission of the South Central MN Multi-County HRA (SCMMCHRA) is to provide residents with the opportunity to obtain quality, affordable housing in the counties of Martin, Nicollet, Sibley, Waseca and Watonwan.

SCMMCHRA will not discriminate against you because of your race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or familial status.