Addressing Lead Paint

When Requirements Apply:

  • If the unit was built prior to 1978 AND is occupied by children under age 6 and/or pregnant women.

Where Requirements Apply:

  • All painted surfaces associated with the assisted unit including interior and exterior, as well as common areas such as fences, play areas, garages, outbuildings, etc.
  • If the deteriorated areas are above the defined de minimis levels.
    • 20 square feet on exterior surfaces
    • 2 square feet in any one interior room or space
    • or 10 percent of an interior or exterior component with a small area (sills, baseboards, etc.) per room


Paint Stabilization Requirements

  1. The landlord is responsible for paint stabilization within 30 days of the notice of inspection failure from the HRA. Paint stabilization MUST follow Safe Work Practices.
  2. After paint stabilization is completed, a certified independent risk assessor, certified lead-based paint inspector, or sampling technician must conduct a clearance test. A copy of the clearance report must be sent to the HRA.
  3. The landlord must provide lead hazard reduction notification to tenants within 15 days of clearance report, regardless of results.
  4. Ongoing maintenance will occur to check for failure of lead hazard reduction work or deteriorated paint at unit turnover and annually.


Note: If deteriorated paint has been found, but is below de minimis levels, Safe Work Practices do not apply but the HRA will suggest deteriorated paint be removed and covered with a new protective coating of paint.


To locate local lead professionals or training providers in our area, visit the MN Dept of Health

for current listings.


Sample Reports